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March 31, 2021 3 min read

If you're anything like the Mama's here at Winter Rosie HQ you spend the days in the lead up to Easter furiously Googling "Easter Hat Parade" or "Easter Craft Ideas" and as we have been embracing the creative chaos we thought it only right that we'd share a couple of our wins with you all.

Chances are over this time you have kids at home and perhaps a break for some family time. Although its a perfect opportunity to get stuck into some chocolate, if your kiddos like creative play this may just be the ticket.


Hand Painted Clay Eggs
We picked up these eggs at the Reject Shop, but any local dollar-store or Spotlight sells these and they are a great family activity. We had an old acrylic paint set laying around and our family of three got stuck into being as creative as possible. Who doesn't love Minions?! 

You could even make your own clay eggs or ornaments with a this homemade white clay recipe:

  • 1 cup bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
  • 1/2 cup cornflour (corn starch)
  • 3/4 cup of warm water

Add the bicarb and cornflour into a pan and then add the warm water – tap "warm" temperature is fine. Then place over a medium heat and stir until bubbles form and the mix starts to pull away from the sides. When this starts to happen you can pull the mixture out and put onto a nonstick mat, allowing it to cool down for a few minutes. Then you can knead away, get your kids involved! You can use this clay mix warm or cold and it is a beautifully soft and pliable dough just like play dough, but if you want to turn it into clay its as simple as baking it on low (80C) for 2 hours on baking paper, turning once.

You can roll it out and use Easter-themed cookie cutters to make shapes before you bake them! Basic ovals make for great Easter Eggs. At this point they are totally non-toxic but if you want to get wild, you can add glitter to the mixture before baking them. 

We've added some great painting inspo on our Pinterest board, go and check it out.


Easter Hat Parade - Winter Rosie Boutique style
You know we love a flower crown here at Winter Rosie, so naturally we thought we would work one into one of the kids Easter hats this year!

Winter Rosie handmade flower crown

Courtney created this for her daughter by using one of our flower crowns and every crafting Mum's best friend - a hot glue gun! The glitter eggs were found at the Reject Shop and the eggs made from white and pink foam from Spotlight.

Inspiration for Easter hats and bonnets can be found around your home. One year we used Easter themed stickers to emblazon one of Dad's work hard hats, it was a hit! If you have an old existing hat laying around at home you have the foundation of something to get creative with. Sometimes inspiration can just come in the form of cotton balls for fluffy fur and pipecleaners for whiskers!


Sick of the chocolate, try thesereusable "Hunting Eggs"!

Reusable Easter Eggs

OK confession time. My son does not like chocolate. He is a lollies guy through and through. The best discovery of my life was these reusable plastic Easter "hunting eggs". Using them means we can still have the fun of an Easter Egg hunt without chocolate.

Inside the reusable eggs we have added things like lollies (of course!), coins for his money box, clues on where he can find a non-chocolate Easter surprise, for example "check under your pillow!" for a new set of PJ's and then best of all, they get put away and used year after year. This is also good for really little ones who may not quite be up to chocolate but still want the fun of finding and collecting eggs! They can be repurposed for bathtime fun and for Easter hats! You can find them at places like Big W, Target, Spotlight or Amazon.

Most importantly, any time spent with family regardless of the holiday is precious and the team at Winter Rosie Boutique want to wish you all happy, safe and fun memory making with your loved ones!